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I love Valentine's Day and I love cupcakes! So I thought, why not put the two together. I saw the post above on Pinterest but unfortunately the link was a dud. Booo... who are you that made this beautiful cupcake???
That's okay, though, because the image itself pretty much tells you what you need to know. My original plan was to make these heart cutout cupcakes. I realized too late that my cookie cutter was too large so I decided to go in a different direction.
First, I mixed together a chocolate box mix.
Then once I baked them, I let them cool for about an hour.
Next, I unwrapped the cupcakes and cut all of the tops off, setting them aside from the bottoms. (Don't worry, I didn't let those bottoms go to waste).
Once I had my tops ready, I began using my heart shaped cookie cutter to make each top into a heart.
It's that easy! Now onto decorating! I bought this vanilla flavored pink frosting that came with little confetti sprinkles on top. I kind of just went with whatever came to my head and decorated each top with frosting. (I tried spreading the frosting with a knife at first but that ended horribly so I stuck with what I know which is putting the frosting into a ziploc bag and piping it).
Then of course, I had to add the sprinkles!
And you're done! It was so easy, once I changed the direction of where I wanted these cupcakes to go. Plus, the best part of any cupcake is the top anyway! I thought these would be a great treat to have if you're throwing a party or you need to bring a treat to work or school.
Okay, now for the bottoms...
I decided to make cake balls out of the bottoms because it was the easiest thing I could think of since I had cake I had frosting left. I placed all of the bottoms into a pan along with a few big scoops of pink frosting.
I used my hands to mix everything together (SO. MESSY.) and once I reached my desired texture, I rolled up a bunch of little balls and placed them on a cookie sheet. You could also make cake pops and cover these bad boys in even more chocolate and add sprinkles and other decorations!