Hello, my name is Alli, and welcome to my About page. I'm happy you've taken the time to come visit and get a little insight into my funny, lovely, crazy HAPPY life!

I'm the HAPPY maker behind Made with HAPPY, a creative lifestyle blog in the pursuit of all things HAPPY. The left side of my brain is a skilled computer programmer, analyst, and statistician while the right side loves to be covered in glitter, paint, pizza sauce, and garden soil.
Over ten years ago now, I made the move from corporate marketing analyst to full-time blogger. My days are now spent creating new fun craft projects for both kids and adults, food and drink recipes, parties and entertaining, DIY(Do-it-Yourself) home projects, and all kinds of HAPPY travel and adventures.
I'm a mom of two and wife to one. I have a spunky, sassy, daughter who was born at the very end of 2008 as well as her sweet and charming little brother who we welcomed in the Fall of 2011.
My husband is an incredibly hard-working funny man that doesn't blink when he walks in the door and there are eight thousand projects happening in the front room and new paint color on the walls.
While the move from climbing the corporate ladder to running around the park blowing bubbles and adding glitter and paint to everything, has been quite the change, this blog has changed too.
In 2014 our name changed from Diapers-n-Heels to Made with HAPPY. If you see a reference to Diapers-n-Heels or DNH please don't be confused, we just haven't been able to change it all yet. If you're wondering why the change, the full explanation here.
Thanks again for stopping by to learn all about me! I would love to learn about you!
If you wish to contact me for any reason---- Alli (at) madewithHappy (dot) com