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Winter is that time of year when your skin starts to hate you. You get redness, acne, and most of all, DRY SKIN. Normally, I have oily to combination skin but during the colder months my skin tends to get really dry. My problem areas are around my nose, between my eyebrows, the areas just under my temples, and even on my eyelids. I decided to give Lush skincare products a try this summer and I have been loving them ever since! Not only is it important to cleanse, tone, and moisturize daily, but it's also important to pamper yourself once in a while. I find myself doing this a lot during the winter months because 1. I have more time and 2. It makes me feel all warm & cozy. In the colder months (I live in the Chicagoland area), I do this about 3-4 times a month and during the warmer months, probably only 2-3 times a month. Also, in the warmer months, my routine is slightly different because my skin is different at different times of the year. Okay, enough rambling... Grab your robe and candles and learn how to pamper yourself!
Step 1: Makeup Removal
This step is most important because you want to start out with a clean face, whenever applying any sort of face product. First, I go in with a makeup wipe (or 2, depending on how much makeup I have on) before I get into the shower. Once I'm in the shower, I will also use my Purity facial cleanser by philosophy to remove my eye makeup. I love this product for taking off dark eyeshadows/eyeliners and especially mascara. This doesn't burn my eyes or pull on my lashes at all. Here's a little PSA that I need to get out: NEVER GO TO BED WITH MAKEUP ON. I know, I sound like your mother, but seriously. I used to be so lazy when it came to this and ever since I started washing my makeup off before bed, I've seen such a difference. My skin is a lot clearer and I just feel more comfortable going to bed. Even if it is just a quick clean up with a makeup wipe; DO IT.
Step 2: Cleanser
It's important to wash your face with a regular cleanser after removing your makeup. Although, the Purity cleanser works greats for both, I still grab my Lush Coalface Cleanser, which is a cleansing bar targeted toward oily to combination skin types like mine. I was attracted to the charcoal factor because I've heard that it does great things for your pores. I rub this between my hands and apply it all over my face. I scrub it in for about a minute and then rinse it off. This cleanser is very drying but to me, that's how I know my face is completely clean. Plus, I'll be going in with a moisturizer later.
Step 3: Exfoliator
Now I know that it seems like by this point, I am stripping my skin completely of its natural oils, and I basically am. But it's all for a good cause :). I received the Befine Exfoliating Cleanser in one of my recent IPSY bags and I've been using it ever since! This exfoliator is a little bit gentler than others. A lot of exfoliators that I've used give your skin a little tingle while you're applying it and even when you're rinsing it off. I do like that feeling because it lets me know that the product is working but in the winter, I tend to reach for a gentler exfoliator because my skin is more sensitive.
Step 4: Toner
Now this is usually where I'll finish the rest of my shower and dry off. Sometimes I'll run a bath after my shower, light some candles, play some music, and relax. This is if I have tons of time. While I run the bath water, I'll apply some toner to my face to regain the correct pH levels in my face. I'll be honest, I never used toner until about a year ago. But it is important, especially after using so many different products on your skin right before. I've been using the Tea Tree Water from Lush and it's the only toner I've ever used. It comes in a spray bottle, which I love for the convenience. I spray a few squirts into a cotton ball and rub it all over my face.
Step 5: Face Mask
I love doing this every once in a while because it always leaves my face feeling so fresh. My favorite one is from Origins and I will list it down below. For the colder months, though, I love using a hydrating or moisturizing face mask. The Deep Moisture Mask from Clark's Botanicals is amazing! You can use this product just as moisturizer, too. The instructions say to apply a thin layer for moisturizer and a whole heap for a face mask. I usually apply this right before I get into the tub, and I let it sit on until the very end. During my bath, I either close my eyes and just relax or sometimes I'll paint my nails or try to read a book. After about fifteen minutes, I'll rinse the face mask off and get out.
Step 6: Moisturizer
This step is so important, especially after stripping your face of basically everything. It's also really important to find the right moisturizer for your skin type. If you have oily skin, but use a moisturizer intended for dry skin types, it will create even more oils on your face. I purchased the Lush Vanishing Cream over the summer because I was told that it was great for oily, acne-prone skin types like mine. I do use this all year round but it's really great for the summertime, when I'm most oily. Another great moisturizer is plain old organic coconut oil. I originally bought this to use as a makeup remover (which works WONDERS), but it can be used for many different things.
Step 7: Body!
We can't forget the rest of our body in the mix! I've recently found my love for body butters. They make such a huge difference in my skin. Lotion is always important but I find that whenever I use a body butter, my skin stays smoother A LOT longer. I received one as a gift for Christmas and it's from The Organic Heir, who also happens to be my cousin, so I might be slightly biased. However, I really enjoyed this product! The smell was something to get used to, but the formula was perfect!! It made my body (legs especially) SUPER SOFT. Even a few days later, they were still feelin' luscious 🙂
That's it!! I hope you enjoyed learning about my pamper routine and I hope you learned some things, as well! Happy pampering!!
Some other products that I like:
Origin's Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment
Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant
Vasanti BrightenUp! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator