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Okay, you are either reading this saying... "Really Alli, there is a cookie you can make with only 3 ingredients?" Or you're saying... "Really Alli, I've been making this FOREVAH and you're only talking about them now?"
Well it is true my friends, I was just talking with a friend and she's mentioned she was making the 3 ingredient cookie with her 3 year old daughter the other day.
DUDE, where has this been all my life? Well, apparently right in front of my face. DOH!
Okay, guys, for those that are knocked off their rocker like me, here is the simplest, most easy, 3 ingredients cookie:
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 cup of peanut butter
- 1 egg
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Okay, this is where the easy comes in. Mix the three ingredients. Yep, that's it! Then onto the cookie sheet in small balls. Then using a fork, smash the middle of the cookie down once, then rotate 90 degrees and smash fork down again. Giving it a traditional peanut butter cookie. Into the oven for 6-8 minutes. That is it. Do not over cook. Let cook and EAT! Pour yourself a large glass of milk and ENJOY!
P.S. Give a Shout Out to my girl JL for the awesome new cookie recipe! Holla!!