With the change in weather, my baby’s skin becomes so much more sensitive. The soap that we were using just wasn’t cutting it anymore. He was getting rashes and dried patches. I came across a recipe for DIY bath soap and thought I'd give it a try.

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It was so easy, and pretty cost effective too. Here’s all you need:
8 oz bottle
½ c Castile Soap
4 tablespoon Vegetable Glycerin
3 tablespoon Grape Seed Oil (you could also use jojoba, avocado, almond, etc)
10 Drops of Fave Essential Oil
All you do is combine all the ingredients in the bottle (I used an old bath soap bottle).
Although Castile Soap is free of any dyes or chemicals that could harm your skin, I chose to go with the one that is geared towards babies, just in case a little got in their eyes. The vegetable glycerin is supposed to help make the body wash thicker, creamier, and lather better. Although this soap lathered well on their hair, the end result seems a bit watery. Because my son in particular has very sensitive and dry skin, he is in major need of skin hydration and moisturization. The wonderful thing about grape seed oil is that it is fantastic for moisturizing skin. It also happens to be sold at a very low price 🙂 For the essential oil, I chose to go with an oil blend called Serenity. It’s a fantastic mix of lavender, sweet marjoram, roman chamomile, ylang ylang, sandalwood, and vanilla. Every time I smell it I am in a state of pure relaxation heaven. I use it for the kids every night. It is my go-to for helping them to wind down, relax, and get ready for bed.
At first I was bummed that the soap wasn’t super bubbly. I thought the vegetable glycerin would have made it more sudsy and they would have had a bubble bath. But the kids didn’t mind at all; they both laughed and played like it was a tub full of bubbles. The next time I make it, I am going to add double the amount of glycerin and see if that adds more bubbles and thickens up the soap.
The soap did its job, and the kids were both clean. However, it wasn’t until I got them out and was getting them dressed and ready for bed that I noticed something different. Their skin was THE SOFTEST I had ever felt it!! I no longer have to lather them up in coconut oil after the bath to moisturize their skin. I loved the results so much that I made some for myself. I made mine with avocado oil just to try that out. Meh... It's ok. It definitely takes away from the scent if you choose to add an essential oil. It is very moisturizing though. I highly recommend this little DIY bath soap project. Who doesn't love an all natural and chemical free alternative to the bath soap that you can buy at the store?? Happy bath time friends!
**Update: I made a second batch for the kids this weekend. This time I doubled the amount of vegetable glycerin. It definitely thickened up the soap, which I loved. There still were not tons of bubbles to make a bubble bath, but again, the kids did not care one bit.