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I am a huge fan of all things geometric! I feel like it was a big trend the last couple of years and it has stuck with me. When I saw this picture (below) of heart garland on Pinterest, I knew that I just had to make it.
Here is the link to the inspiration for this post from How about Orange:
I loved the whole idea but had my own take on the project. I chose cheaper, thinner felt, different colors, and different string. I also liked the look of leaving some hearts with just a few cut outs.
First, I gathered my supplies:
- 2 sheets of felt (one pink, one navy)
- scissors
- x-acto knife
- pom pom trim
I cut out four geometric heart shapes from each color of felt. I didn't used a pattern or trace anything, I sort of just free handed with the scissors. Once I had all eight hearts, I began making my cutouts.
Again, I just free handed and followed the shape of the outside of the heart. For the cutouts, I used my x-acto knife and it worked really well.
Once I had all of the hearts finished, I strung them onto my pom pom trim. This was easy because the cutouts were large enough and I did not have to use tape or glue.
I taped the ends of the trim to my wall and ta-da! It was that easy. The longest part was cutting out each shape in every heart. That's another reason why I chose to simplify and leave some hearts with just a few cutouts. In total, it probably took me about 20 minutes to create, so not bad at all!