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Hello friends and HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR
Wow, its 2016! Anyone else still writing 2015 on checks and such still? It usually takes me a good two weeks before I start to get in the swing of things.
This week has started out pretty spectacular. Actually pretty uneventful, which I'm coming to terms with the fact is pretty spectacular. Those that read Made with HAPPY or follow along on Instagram, might see there is always a lot going on. Like other families and small businesses, there are always a lot of moving parts and hustling. So to have a little downtime after the pretty hectic holiday season was nice.
What that also means is that we're gearing up for some serious hustlin this year! We're excited for Made with HAPPY and excited for what we have in store for this little HAPPY corner of the interweb.
While we're still working on the plans and posts, we did want to ask you all a little favor. We have a quick two question survey/poll that we would greatly appreciate you taking. We want to make sure that the direction we're going is the same as why you love coming to Made with HAPPY. Plus, we want to bring you more of what you love. We love making HAPPY and love to see what makes you HAPPY.
Create your own user feedback survey
Okay, I'm off to Make some more HAPPY and bring some serious fun and fabulous to this new year. Here are a few other fun pics from our beach outing on New Years Day!