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This next year will be filled with TONS of resolutions people claim they are going to stick to. We all know most are vague and/or just plain unrealistic. We've decided that its time to put together a list of resolutions you can stick to and much more doable. So here you have it!
- Cancel any extra channels on your cable bill that you don't regularly watch. This will help to save you some money each month.
- Change all of your passwords. Passwords are something that people tend to use incorrectly. While I'm also guilty of it, we should not be using the same one or two passwords for every single account that we have. Not only should we not be using the same one but we should also switch it up every once in a while, for safety. A new year is a chance to get a fresh start and change ALL of your existing passwords.
- Learn a greeting phrase in one different language every week. (Duolingo) Instead of challenging yourself to become fluent in French in 365 days, make your goal more realistic and learn one phrase every week in a different language. How hard can it be to remember one phrase? By the end of the year you'll know how to greet people in 52 different languages!
- Go to the gym at least 3 times a week. This resolution is much more doable than just plain saying "I need to work out more." Telling yourself that you NEED to take at least 3 days out of your week to find time for the gym is definitely doable if you make it a priority.
- Eat more cucumbers and celery. A lot of people say that you should be drinking more water. While this is true, it isn't always the easiest! Drink LOTs and LOTS of water! If you don't like the taste, add some flavor to your water. If you really want some extra water, eat more cucumbers and celery because not only are they good veggies to get in, but they contain a great amount of water in them! Boom!!
- Learn how to play a musical instrument. This can be something as simple as a harmonica or a recorder. Do whatever you have time and money for. If you want to shoot for guitar lessons, then be my guest! But it's always nice to learn a new skill.
- Stop using the words "like and "um." This one is something that I struggle with daily. "Like" is embarrassingly thrown around in 100% of my conversations. It's a filler word, just like um. Not only does it make you sound less intelligent, but it will force you to become better at speaking and writing in general and will open up your vocabulary.
- Try one new thing from Pinterest every month (or every week if you have time). This one is fun one! If you have time, pick one thing every week or month from one of your Pinterest boards and do it! It could be a DIY, a recipe, a crochet project, anything! If you pinned it, that probably means that it interested you so go ahead and give it a try!
- Volunteer once a month. A lot of people like to volunteer during the holiday season (November-December) which is great but places need help all year round. Pick one or two different causes that you're passionate about and volunteer at least one day every month.
- Create a memory jar or thank you jar and add one good memory a day. This one is another fun one because it will help you remember all of the goods things that happened throughout the year, instead of the bad. At the end of the year, you can pull out your jar and read every single note that you added!
- Create a good skin care routine and stick to it. Part of being healthy is having healthy skin. Sure maybe you can cover all of your imperfections with makeup but your skin is still important. Plus, if you have good skin, makeup will look even better on top of it! Know your skin type, do some research and maybe even see a dermatologist to figure out a great skin care routine.
- Try a workout challenge. You most likely see these everywhere, especially during the summer months, but why not start it at the beginning. Whether it's a 30 day squat challenge, a 30 day push-up challenge or a mixture of different exercises, pick at least one to try throughout the year and stick to it! You never know, maybe you'll actually enjoy it and want to do more!
- Donate or throw away at least 20% of your clothes. If you're anything like me, you have a shopping obsession and it's become a problem in your house. There's always laundry to do and not enough space to put the clean clothes. Start your year off fresh by getting rid of those old clothes that you keep hanging on to for whatever reason. Someone else could really use them. Just a note, each New Year, I buy a fresh set of undies and socks for the family. This makes it all the easier to get rid of the old stuff!
- Go somewhere you've never been. Its time to get out there. There are trips you can plan on a budget or on the spendy side. This is the year to make it a goal to save up. Exploring new places is so much fun!
- Read a book before bed instead of scrolling through social media or watching tv. There are many people that believe unplugging for a few days will help and while that might work for some, that is crazy talk and I'm afraid I couldn't do it. Instead, I've decided to start changing up my wind down routine. This is where I think it could make the biggest impact in providing a better night's sleep, and relaxing the mind. Added bonus, you can catch up on all those books you've wanted to read!
- Start up the morning with meditation and a few quick push ups. Clear your mind and get your heart rate up. I can't think of two better things to do in the morning! Energy and positivity!
- Bring your lunch to work instead of stopping at a fast food joint. I'm definitely guilty of not taking advantage of all of the groceries I buy when I'm at work. I'll take the easy way out and stop at a fast food joint. Take a few extra minutes in the morning or the night before to pack your lunch for work. That way, you won't have to waste time going out for lunch, you'll be saving money, and you'll likely be eating healthier options.
That's it! Those were my 17 resolutions that I plan to stick by and I think are doable for almost everyone!
Happy New Year!!