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Nothing says summer in the suburbs like kids selling lemonade on the corner. I have a personal policy never to drive past a lemonade stand without stopping so my kids are well aquatinted with this entrepreneurial opportunity. In fact, they've been begging me for months to let them try their hand at selling some lemony goodness so we've been working on our recipe. We tried this one out last week with some of the neighbor kids and the reviews were good. Most recipes I've seen involve making simple syrup by boiling sugar and water before mixing with the fresh lemon juice. While I'm sure that method is delicious, I prefer to use powdered sugar and just stir it until it's dissolved...or stick it in the blender if you are impatient (as I usually am).
- Approximately 6 lemons to make 1 Cup lemon juice
- ½ to ¾ Cup powdered sugar
- 2 Cups water
- 2 Cups halved strawberries
- Ice
- Juice lemons until you have 1 cup of lemon juice.
- Add 2 Cups of water and sugar to your taste (start with less and add more as desired).
- Stir vigorously until sugar is dissolved or stick the mixture in a blender for a few seconds.
- Puree strawberries in a blender until smooth.
- Mix strawberry puree with lemonade mixture.
- Serve over ice.