I often catch slack from my out of town friends if I have the slightest complaint about the weather here in San Diego, but I do have to say, for some unknown reason, the last three or four Octobers have been extremely warm. I see all these great pictures of trips to the pumpkin patch from other parts of the country and they are in hats or warm clothes. The last three years our pumpkin patch experience is well into the high 80's. This is NOT conducive to cute pictures AT ALL... seeing as everyone is squinting and sweating from the sun. =)
In any case, this year's family trip to the pumpkin patch was so much fun. With it being Parker's first trip, it just felt that much more special. Of course with the heat (and a 2.5 year old) we didn't get a good picture of the four of us, but that is the way it goes. One of these days =)
Cutest clown around!
A certain big sister wasn't so keen on posing with her brother, so we did what we could
Is mom really propping me up against a pumpkin? Oh yes I am buddy!
Its getting hot out here mom!
Its only fair that all Ward children don the pumpkin costume at the pumpkin patch. I love his expression!!!
Brother's first trip to the pumpkin patch! YAY!
Mom and Parker (way to bright to attempt cute picture without sunglasses)
Momma and baby boy!
The best of the "not so good" family photos at the patch
Glimpse of the biggest smile on the flying elephants!
Who doesn't love a good jumpy?
Cheese! On her way up the giant inflatable slide!
No fear girl ~ taking the plunge!