Over the last couple of months we've been working to spruce up MWH Girl's room. One of the things she wanted was some fun bright pieces for the wall. We've been hitting up the local consignment stores for some fun cheap frames. We even found a giant S that we're still trying to decide on the color and texture on. Always fun to find one off items.

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While I was at my weekly Michael's visit a few days ago, I was browsing through the clearance area and came across some super cheap embroidery rings. I picked them up thinking about another project, when I also came across a super colorful roll of yarn. Ding, ding, ding...Yes, something great for MWH Girl's Wall! Simple and beautiful and all kinds of Made with HAPPY.Its simple, colorful and really inexpensive.Starting with just a piece of tape and the end of the yarn on the inside ring of the embroidery ring. Then wrap around, moving a half an inch to the side making sure each string goes directly across the ring, crossing over the middle. The yarn will eventually make it back to your starting point and you can use the same piece of tape to hold the other end of the yarn in place. Place the outside ring on top and tighten. Viola, you have yourself a Simple, Colorful, Inexpensive piece of wall art that will brighten up any room.Adds a great little piece to the already colorful room.