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With Father's Day quickly approaching and watching commercial after commercial about the best drill set to get Dad, I decided that I'd put together a tool list of go-to tools that are not your typical screwdrivers, drills, and wrenches, but those tools that every Tool Loving Dad (and mom or homeowner for that matter) will love and use all the time. I know, I use these all the time!
- Worx Aero Cart - This is so great because you can use it as both a wheel barrel and dolly. We use it in the back yard all the time moving dirt and soil as well as it helped with moving furniture to and from as we had the new floors installed. I think its awesome as a space saver too, rather than having both a wheel barrel and a dolly.
- Dremel - Okay, this little puppy gets used way more often then I would have ever imagined. How many times are you trying to remove an old vent from the house and the screw head is warped and the screwdriver doesn't work? Well with the little disk attachment on the Dremel, you can cut into the screw and recreate the slit in the nail head allowing for you to unscrew the screw. On our old house, we end up using it about every projects.
- Stanley Wet/Dry Vacuum - We initially got this to clean out the Jacuzzi after we drained it, but we now use it all the time. Its awesome on cleaning out the car, on cleaning out the fountain, draining water out of things you may or may not have wanted water in. It is so handy to have around that you'll find yourself wanting to suck up all kinds of water for no reason... just me?
- Pick - If you do any kind of gardening or landscaping, this has been a game changer for us. Yes, we have a lot of dirt and find ourselves needing to dig A LOT, but this puppy not only turns over harder clay type dirt, it also helps in transplanting plants and trees and removing overgrown brush and ground cover. I may use any chance I get. LOVE THIS!
- Worx Trimmer/Edger - This is a new one for us, but it is seriously so AWESOME. You never realize the difference it makes when you have your grass edged and cleaned up. Totally changes the look of your landscaping once you're able to get the stragglers that find themselves overgrowing the walkways and planter beds. You have a garden loving Dad in your life? This is it!
- Ryobi Mider Saw - As a self proclaimed DIY/Crafting FANATIC, this really does rocks my world. Confessions, I don't personally own one (YET), but I borrow my brother-in-laws all the time that I kind of think it may just need to live at my house 🙂 I use it for everything from moldings to building benches to cutting simple dowels. There are times when you certainly need to use other saws, but for 90% of what I end up doing, I can do it on the mider.
I hope this helps in your search for your Tool Loving Dad this Father's Day. Or maybe it will help when you're looking for a housewarming gift, or birthday gift (ahem.. my birthday is in less than a month) for your Tool Loving Friend. Regardless... how great do these Dad's look using those tools up? AWESOME!