If you are thinking about taking your young family to the Atlantis Hotel Bahamas, we are here to help make that decision a reality.

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At the tail-end of Summer, right about the time the kids were starting into school, our family ventured off to the Atlantis Hotel Bahamas!
The question I get most after that is... "Did you take the kids?" We sure did! Made with HAPPY Girl was 3.5 and Made with HAPPY Boy was 10 month. And they did great!
My main concern was around the flights. Its no feat travelling with little ones, and especially cross country and further. We decided on the red-eye flight out to the east coast and then connected on the first flight out that next morning.
The resort is just about a half-hour taxi ride from the airport and easy to get to! It really is quite the sight when you drive up and see the magnificent of the towers!
Our room was very nice and was conveniently located. Added bonus was that right off our balcony there was a lagoon of nurse sharks!!! Was a definite hit with DNH Girl!
Day 1: Our first day was filled with a few naps to catch up on some sleep and then it was off to explore and start our Atlantis experience. Our Nana and Grandpa joined us later that afternoon and so it made it that much sweeter!
This face loved the water and loved that he could sit and play in it!
DNH Girl loved the DJ playing all kinds of fun dance music. She was dancing up a storm!
The resort is also known for its aquariums, hence the name "Atlantis" the city under the sea!
What kid (or Adult) doesn't love interaction exhibits? Sea Cucumber anyone?
The following days were filled with a few trips to the water park, a lot more swimming, hitting the beach for some salt water fun and so much more.
Made with HAPPY Dad taking the plunge!
On one of the days, sweet girl had her hair braided, which was super cute and fun!
Mommy and Daddy were able to sneak away for a few adventures of their own as well.
This was by far one of the best vacations we have had as a family so far. The resort is so family friendly, and caters to all ages.
The most frequently asked questions have been around the cost and whether it is as high priced as you read about on the Internet.
To that I answer this: They are always having deals on the room rates. The room rates during the time we went started at $99 a night and kids eat free.
In terms of the meals, to us they were comparable to a Las Vegas or something of that nature.
Sure, you aren't going to pay $4 for a burger but you are only going to pay about $12.
There are restaurants that range in price from about $15 a meal to $100 a meal. We had the kids with us, so we weren't necessarily frequenting the steak houses every night.
Drinks were anywhere from $5 to $10 for the super fruity umbrella type tasty goodness drinks!
I highly recommend checking out the Atlantis if you are looking for a family friendly adventure!*All opinions are my own