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This week's drink: Tropical Pink Sangria
Episode 6
This whole episode was basically full of Ashley sobs. Right from the very beginning. Jared finally gave her closure and told her that she needs to move on because he's not interested in her romantically. It comes down to Daniel having the power at the rose ceremony. The roses up for grabs are Sarah's, Ashley's, and The Twins'. Sarah made him a cake, one of the twins faked some interest in him and even kissed him and Ashley just cried about Jared. But Daniel was pretty excited about Ashley being a virgin. He's gross.
The rose ceremony ended up going like this: Josh picked Amanda, Vinny picked Izzy, Jared picked Caila, Evan picked Carly, Nick picked Jen, Grant picked Lace, and *drum roll please* ...............
Daniel picked.................. HALEY OMG. I could not believe it. Another week of The Twins. UGH. I really wanted Sarah to stay. But I was so happy that Ashley was going to be leaving because even though she was only there for two days, I was already sick of her crying. BUT then of course, she ruins my fun minutes later when she has the driver stop her and she walks back to where the group is all toasting to another week in Paradise.
Ashley gives her speal and asks everyone if she can stay in Paradise, but this time with an open mind.
Everyone says yes. Ugh, fine. But she better behave.
Okay, now we have a new guy coming in. Carl from Andi's season. Emily has the hots for him hard. Good for her, he asks her on a date.
Then right after, Brett from Andi's season arrives! The lamp guy. I honestly do not remember him at all. Neither of them actually.
Izzy actually has really strong attractions towards Brett. Uh oh. Brett pulls Caila away. Another uh oh. He asks her on his date and she says yes, but then she steps aside to talk to Jared and she says that she's gonna stay back with Jared. THEN she changes her mind and decides to go on the date. THEENNNN she goes and tells Brett that she isn't going to go on the date. I'm so confused. THEN SHE CHANGES HER MIND FIVE MORE TIMES. So annoying. Then she finally settles on going on the date.
So Emily and Carl and then Brett and Caila all go on a double date together. Emily and Carl were really into each other but Caila is really reserved with Carl. She ends up talking about Jared on the date. Awkward. Caila ends up basically regretting her final decision to go on the date with Carl.
Caila comes back and makes up with Jared and Ashley goes back to crying again.
Another new guy shows up named Brian, who I also don't remember. He asks Haley to go on his date with him and she says yes.
Grant romances Lace by setting up professional massages for the two of them on the beach. Grant ends up telling Lace that he loves her. Awwww <3
Izzy is super attracted to Brett, which is awkward because her and Vinny have been so in sync the whole time. Izzy tells Brett how she feels and then she takes Vinny aside and talks to him about it. The whole thing got pretty sad and that's where the episode ended.
Episode 7
In the beginning of the next episode, Vinny and Izzy had their last conversation about their situation and Vinny decided to leave paradise.
Everyone gets all sad, but then guess who shows up? Jade and Tanner! The couple who ended up engaged at the end of their BIP season and are now happily married. They brought a date card and sat down with each couple, trying to figure out who they would give it to. They ended up choosing Jared and Caila. Great, more Ashley tears.
The next card that arrives is for Evan. He obviously takes Carly on his ancient ritual date and it actually goes really, really well. They connect more than they ever have and I don't know what to think of it. It almost seems like Carly likes Evan because of how much he likes her. I don't know. We'll see.
Ashley gets Jared alone and tells him that it's so obvious that he is way more into Caila than she is into him. And she even calls her a robot, saying she just wants to look good on TV.
Jared of course tells Caila and then Caila goes and talks to Ashley and tells her that she needs to back off. Completely agree! Ashley convinced everyone that she wanted to stay to find love elsewhere and she hasn't even tried to get over Jared even a little bit. It's getting obnoxious.
Well that was all the juiciness from this week, not onto our yummy drink recipe...
Tropical Pink Sangria
- Malibu Rum
- Orange Juice
- Stella Pink Wine
- Mango Pineapple Juice
- Orange Slices
- Strawberries
Click here for the full recipe!