Looking to send a cleaning college care package to your college student? We've got you covered.

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School has been in session for month or so and newly minted college students are getting into the swing of things with their classes and new living arrangements. It is about this time that the dust is settling in and the sink of dishes could be starting to get a little unruly. While I can only hope we send off our kids with basic roommate cleaning courtesy, it can't hurt to send on a cleaning college care package with some supplies and a little humor to make sure your college student is holding up their end of the roommate bargain.
While you all know my children are not to that age yet, a few of cousins are. I'm excited to send them a fun package I put together because I'm having weird dirty dorm room flashbacks. I'm going to be honest with you all now that I'm (many years) removed from college, cleaning wasn't my strong suit. Eeekkkk!!! Oh my gosh, I'm sure my roommates are reading this right now and laughing out loud. In my youth, it really didn't occur to me to have a cleaning schedule and or a cleaning routine. This is definitely one of those things I wish someone would have told me about. The good news is that I can now make sure my children don't head off to college without knowing. 🙂 I may need to head over to each of my college roommates houses and do a major house cleaning for them to make up for all those years. Sorry friends!
Regardless of my past behavior, there is still time to set those college kids straight and send off this cleaning college care package to get them cleaning.
The key to putting together a cleaning care package is to not make it too big and bulky. Dorm rooms and college apartments are rarely spacious and something small and compact is necessary. Getting supplies that are powerful and multipurpose is also a must. Here is a list of supplies I would recommend including.
- Bucket- Make sure the bucket or container is small but able to hold all your supplies.
- Gloves
- Microfiber cloths - These are great for cleaning up spills, dusting, dishes and all things.
- DishFish Sponges - These sponges are powerful multipurpose sponges that are non-scratch and ten times stronger and six times more water absorbent than other sponges. My favorite thing about these sponges, they are designed as a fish not only to look cute, but their shape allows for effective cleaning in those hard to reach places, AND... AND it can stand on its tail so that it dries faster so that its not a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Which will always get two major thumbs up from Mom!
- Universal cleaner - One that can be used in both the kitchen and the bathroom.
- Dish soap - Nothing spreads germs and bacteria faster than dirty dishes.
- Broom and Dust Pan - Even a mini ones are helpful for cleaning up.
- Toilet Bowl Cleaning Brush - It needs to get cleaned
- Wipes - Cleaning wipes are great for giving your messes a final once over.
- Empty Spray Bottle - Letting your student know they can fill it with vinegar and water to clean even when they don't have universal cleaner.
- Cleaning Notes - These are fun and free. Grab the printable notes below
Once you have the notes, cut out and taped to each of the items, you simply place the items into the bucket and viola! You have the best Cleaning College Care Package!
DishFish is sold at most major retailers!
Now, let's just all hope they use it!