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Are your kids on Summer break? Mine have exactly 2 days left and I am all kinds of HAPPY about it.
Lazy mornings and long days spend outside, swimming, exploring, picnicing, and playing are what our family's dreams are made of. While laziness is so close I can taste it, the weeks leading up have been anything but. I have been somewhat frantically about getting ready to have the kids home.
Do you Summer Organize?
I started this last year it set my family up for Summer AWESOMENESS! What is entailed in Summer Organization? Its is all about organizing a few areas of the house to make sure you and your house are ready for the chaos that is Summer.
I first start by organizing the pantry. This is because after a school year worth grabbing fast breakfasts, making a billion lunches and quick and simple dinners, it basically looks like a tornado hit it and cleaning it so that the kids can go in and grab snacks for themselves is worth ever minute of the agonizing cleaning and organizing!
Second, I clean out and organize the laundry room. Our laundry room happens to be located between the house and the garage and so throughout the year, the school year in particular, it becomes the dumping ground for all things. I love clearing out all the clutter and organizing our laundry room to make room for the last piece of our Summer Organization.
The last thing I like to organize during the Summer is the kids clothes and closets. I know some of you like to do this in Spring with putting away winter wear and such, but the reality of our house is that we are still wearing the winter wear (pants and long sleeves shirts) through the better part of May due to May grey and June gloom. And so by the time end of school comes around, we have just started to dig into the drawers to pull out shorts. That is unless you are my son and only wears shorts (ALL.YEAR.LONG) but that is besides the point 🙂
I like to use the time right before the end of School to organize the kids clothes. Its a perfect time to donate all the clothes that are too small, check and make sure your bathing suits from last year fit or not, and my personal favorite, do some deep cleaning on those the clothes that have been a bit neglected over the past couple of months.
If your kids are anything like mine, then they start out with these fresh clean clothes that somehow come home with all kinds of yuck on them. I'm not sure if its dirt, grass, ice cream or all of the above! In any case, I like to start by grabbing all those Spring/Summer clothes that still fit but are a little beat up and take them into my newly clean and organized laundry room and work on getting them all clean and fresh for Summer.My new favorite detergent??? Tide purclean™!! Not only does it get all these crazy kid stains out like the Tide we know and love, it is the 1st bio-based detergent which means its formula is made with 100% renewable wind power electricity, its made at a zero manufacturing waste to landfill site, and its 100% recyclable bottle. Which of course makes this tree-hugging heart so so HAPPY!!!
Sometimes, I pour a little detergent right onto the stain and massage it in. Other times I like to soak the stained clothes in a sink with the detergent for an hour or two to loosen the grime before starting the load of laundry. At the end, I AM ALL KIND OF GIDDY HAPPY because I've got all the kids clothes SUPER CLEAN and organized, its then it is time to start Summer!
Do you organize for Summer?