Grab our fun free printable turkey facts for kids just in time for Thanksgiving. Learn fun facts like body parts and how fast they run.
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Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays at MWH. It combines an abundance of all our favorite things: friends, family, fabulous food, and crafts! Naturally, we are simply stuffed with fun Thanksgiving activities. We’ll keep the kiddos busy so you can focus on preparing the feast.
We could not be more thankful for the cornucopia of turkey activities in our Turkey Printable Set. No "fowl" play here! Just good old-fashioned turkey puns.
Turkeys can be all kinds of fun during the holidays. Once you download these Fun Turkey worksheets, don't miss our other turkey fun including Pop Up Turkey Card Craft, Thanksgiving Turkey Coloring Page, Paper Turkey Bookmark, Handprint Turkey, and our Fun Rainbow Photo Turkey.
Don't miss our How To Draw a Turkey Tutorial, Animal Fun Facts, and our 365+ Fun Facts For Kids!
Fun Facts about Turkeys
This printable turkey set includes tons of fun facts about turkeys. Your kids will love impressing grandparents with all their turkey trivia. Did you know turkeys can run up to speeds of 25 miles per hour? And only male turkeys gobble?
You can also set the record straight about Benjamin Franklin, turkeys, and bald eagles. Despite some historical disagreement, according to the Smithsonian Institute, Franklin never proposed that the turkey become the official bird of the United States.
In some letters, he did say the turkey was a “much more respectable” bird than the bald eagle. However, he did not suggest it become the national bird of the United States. (Thank goodness! Who’d want to carve into our national bird!)
Check out our 101+ Animal Crafts too!
Turkey on the World Map
Our printable turkey set is a great way to talk about the other Turkey. Not the one you eat, the one you can travel to. Kids may be surprised to learn that there is a country called Turkey. These turkey printables are a great opportunity to pull out a map and let them explore. Show them how this ancient country borders both Europe and Asia.
Because of Turkey’s geographic location, its culture combines elements from Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. The kids may be just are inspired to visit its largest city, Istanbul! Over a million people live in Turkey!
Turkey is a fascinating place with amazing natural features like Mount Ararat. This dormant volcano is rumored to contain remains from Noah’s Ark! For a fun family challenge, see who can explain why the country with no native turkeys is called Turkey.
Turkey Facts
Kids will love all the information in our turkey printable worksheets. We’ve got coloring sheets for budding artists as well as a turkey maze and word search for puzzle lovers. With our “parts of the turkey” printable, they can explore the differences between a male turkey and a female turkey.
We’ve also got a fun matching activity as well as a turkey life cycle sheet. With the build a turkey printable, you can discuss how to spot a wild turkey versus a domesticated turkey. It’s true that wild turkeys sleep in trees, but do they really taste different?
And don’t forget to talk about the origin of turkey as a Thanksgiving staple. (Hint: no one really knows but extra pumpkin pie for whoever has the best guess!)
We highlighted this Thanksgiving Printable along with some other fun kid's crafts in our November Crafts for Kids along with our 101+ Easy Craft Ideas for kids.
You also do not want to miss our 101+ Printable Coloring Pages For Kids and 101+ Printables For Kids full of Crafts and Coloring Pages.
Other Thanksgiving Printable Worksheets
Download The Full Free Turkey Facts For Kids
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*For personal use only
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