Learn how to draw a shark with a free printable step by step drawing tutorial. Having some shark how to draw fun for kids of all ages.

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This How to Draw a Shark for kids is giving us all kinds of happy feelings. Easy way to shark sketch with just paper and a pencil.
Celebrate shark week with a fun shark bite drink in one hand, Shark Color By Number Printables, Shark Craft, and how to draw a cartoon shark in the other. Don't miss the free shark drawing guide at the bottom for reference.
Learning to Draw
Learning to draw may seem a little scary, but the best way to start is not to compare yourself to others and to follow along by reading a step-by-step tutorial like this; you can enjoy the moment of learning something new and be proud of yourself for trying.
Starting with basic shapes like squares, circles, and triangles is a great way to begin.
You can try drawing different-sized circles; some may be touching, overlapping, or far apart from one another.
You, the drawer, can be as creative as you want with this; do the same with other shapes.
My favorite way to learn to draw something new or get the creative juices flowing is by playing a drawing game with a friend.
One person draws a squiggly line of some sort, then you try to draw something using that line. When you have finished, you then draw an odd shape or squiggly line of some sort and your friend then draws something using the line or shape you drew.
When learning to draw the most important thing to remember is to try your best! If you do that, then you are already an amazing artist!
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If you like this Shark Drawing, then don't miss our Drawing Animals Tutorial Bundle which includes 14 different printable step by step drawing guides.
Shark Facts
Did you know that sharks don’t have bones?? Because of this, they are in a different class of fish called Chondrichthyes. They are able to produce their red blood cells through other organs, instead of through bones. This is also why sharks have different scales than other fish.
My favorite fact about sharks is about the Hammerhead shark. These species of shark have a 360-degree field of vision. They can’t really see above or below them, but they can see in front and beside them. Unlike other sharks where the eyes are on the side, the hammerhead shark's eye is in the front of the head.
Another fun fact is about the Greenland Shark, which lives in very cold water; this shark wins the record for the slowest-moving shark. It maxes out at its fastest at less than 2mph and with a moving average of less than 1mph. You can walk faster than this shark swims.
Unlike the slow-swimming Greenland Shark, the Great White shark can max out with a speed of around 35mph. This speed is possible because of the shape of its body, which is like a torpedo style.
Sharks are fascinating, and with over 500 species of sharks, there are plenty of facts to learn! Youtube has detailed videos to learn about sharks from marine biologists, or you can check out nature shows during Shark Week.
*Friendly reminder - supervise young children when exploring the internet*
Don't miss our Animal Charades and Animal Bingo for more animal fun.
How To Draw a Shark Step By Step
Easy steps to drawing a cartoon shark. Simple steps to drawing these fascinating creatures.
Before you start drawing, it's important to have your paper positioned correctly for what you are drawing. We recommend positioning your paper vertically. That means that the short side of your paper is at the top and bottom. This will allow you to create an easy shark drawing using as much of the paper.
It is also important to note, that drawing is not exact and you are learning. Start by lightly drawing each of your lines and if you do not have it exactly where you want it, erase and try again and continue lightly drawing till you have each line where you want them.
Shark's Head
The first step is to draw a half circle at the top of the shark's head
The second step is to draw a curved line on the left side of the rounded nose. Continue drawing across to create a crescent shape for the general mouth shape.
The next step is for the mouth of the shark. Create a simple curved line around the crescent shape from the previous step.
Body of the Shark
Step four would be a small curve down from the bottom of the mouth. This is the beginning of the shark's body shape.
The next step is to draw the caudal fin or tail fin. Create the forked tail fin with two sections.
The next step is to create a dorsal fin on the back of the shark's body shape. Draw a line up from the tail and create the back of the shark along with the dorsal fin.
The next step is to draw the shark's pectoral fin shape. One under the mouth and one on the shark's body above the dorsal fin.
Shark's Eye and Teeth
Next, we're adding the shark's eye with a second circle inside a slightly larger circle. Create three small curved lines off the eye to give the facial features some definition. Next, add triangular shape teeth which will give the idea that they are sharp teeth.
The final step is to go over the drawing of a shark with a darker pencil and erase all the extra drawing lines.
Then use crayons, watercolor paint, watercolor pencils, or markers to color in your shark.
Viola, you are drawing the cutest shark ever!
We highlighted this How to Draw along with some other fun kid's crafts in our Summer Crafts along with our 101+ Easy Craft Ideas for kids.
You also do not want to miss our 101+ Printable Coloring Pages For Kids and 101+ Printables For Kids full of Crafts and Coloring Pages.
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*For personal use only
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How to Draw a Shark
- Drawing Pencils
- Before you start drawing, its important to have your paper positioned correctly for what you are drawing. We recommend positioning your paper vertically. That means that the short side of your paper is at the top and bottom. This will allow you to create an easy shark drawing using as much of the paper.
- The first step is to draw a half circle as the top of the shark head
- The second step is to draw a curved line on the left side as the rounded nose. Continue drawing across to create a crescent shape for the general mouth shape.
- The next step is for the mouth of the shark. Create a simple curved line around the crescent shape from the previous step.
- Step four would be a small curve down from the bottom of the mouth. This is the beginning of the shark's body shape.
- The next step is to draw the caudal fin or tail fin. Create the forked tail fin with two sections.
- The next step is to create a dorsal fin on the back of the shark's body shape. Draw a line up from the tail and create the back of the shark along with the dorsal fin.
- The next step is to draw the shark's pectoral fin shape. One under the mouth and one on the shark's body above the dorsal fin.
- Next we're adding the shark's eye with a second circle inside a slightly larger circle. Create three small curved lines off the eye to give the facial features some definition. Next, add triangular shape teeth which will give the idea that they are sharp teeth.
- The final step is to go over the drawing of a shark with a darker pencil and erase all the extra drawing lines.
- Then use crayons, watercolor paint, watercolor pencils, or markers to color in your shark.
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